Egondu M. Onuoha
President-Elect, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Vote for Egondu as President-Elect. Together, let's build an Academy that works for all of us.
A vote for me is a vote for health equity, accountability, responsive governance, honesty, integrity, innovation, purpose-driven leadership and Academy success.
Egondu's Vision for Success

Egondu's Vision for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Why Vote for Egondu?
Egondu will:​
Champion the interests of RDNs and NDTRs
Elevate the visibility of the profession and promote RDNs and NDTRs as the gold standard
Promote nutrition and dietetics recruitment, retention and completion rate for all ethnic groups seeking RDN and NDTR certification
Explore ways to enhance our fiscal stability while upholding our core values
Advocate for nutrition and dietetics professionals for MNT and Licensure
Develop and implement a model of excellence for the profession that will enable the Academy to achieve growth and a competitive advantage
Integrate AI & Technological Tools into the profession
Egondu has both passion & leadership experience
Health Equity
Egondu is committed to promoting diversity and health equity
Egondu is a proven leader with a rich background of leadership experience
Egondu has a deep knowledge of nutrition and is a strong advocate
Opportunity for the Future
Recognition and Relevance: Create a world where every person recognizes the importance and value of the RDN and NDTR. RDNs and NDTRs will be at the forefront of identifying and obtaining funding to create new food and nutrition programs and expand existing programs. They will be the “go-to experts” for food and nutrition. We must lead new trends in MNT, Food/Nutrition and set the stage for collaboration.
​Leadership and Advocacy: Create a proven track record and pathway for increased growth and professional development - advocate for increased reimbursement, increased salary and licensure for the profession. We must create pathways for leadership in all areas, including unconventional roles to influence policy.
Technology: Promote the use and development of technology including AI tools and systems for the profession and guide the dialogue towards ensuring alignment with our overall Mission, Purpose, Values and Ethics.
​Health Equity: Creating a diverse workforce that reflects the communities we serve. We must be intentional and bold in this endeavor by creating meaningful partnerships to mobilize, amplify and make connections that work to promote diversity and health equity.

Meet the Candidate: Egondu M. Onuoha
Egondu's Experience
Current Position: ​
Vice President, Real Estate, Special Programs, and Business Development
The Brooklyn Hospital Center, Brooklyn, NY; Affiliate of the Mount Sinai Hospital System
Previous Work Experience Highlights:
President of RiseBoro Community Partnership
Director of Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP)
2 hospital sites
5 health centers
Director of the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program
Administrator for the Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) Program
Managed multi-million dollar budgets
Volunteer Experience Highlights:
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Board Member - current)
Committee for Life-long Learning (Member)
Quality Management Committee - QMC (Member)
Scope and Standards of Practice Task Force (Member)
Council on Future Practice - CFP (Member)
Women's Health DPG (Board Secretary)
Grants and Scholarships (Reviewer for Foundation)
RiseBoro Community Partnership (Board Member - current)
Sudden Unexplained Death in Children
Scientific Grant Review Committee (SGRC) (Member - current)
Grant Professionals Certification Institute (Board Past President - current)
International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) (Board Member)
WIC Association of New York State (Board Member)
Metropolitan New York City WIC Association (Board Member)